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Three C – Creating Competences for a Circular Economy

The project THREE C aims at integrating the concept of the circular economy as an attractive new learning field in European school education.
The “circular economy” refers to the concept of saving natural resources and to reuse and recycle them. The main idea is to ensure the reusage of resources, in a way that products are made to be made again. Hence it aims at moving away from linear production (produce–use–dispose) to a circular approach based on sustainable, climate and resource friendly processes. A circular economy requires new competences, for instance on systems thinking, interdisciplinary and intersectoral approaches, but also on entrepreneurship and sense of initiative.
THREE C focuses on the active participation and capacity building of citizens to promote the idea of the circular economy.

The main aim of the project is to:

  • integrate the concept of the circular economy as an attractive new learning field in European school education;
  • support European teachers with an innovative didactical concept, based on a competence oriented learning and validation approach to create and foster those competence developments mentioned above amongst their students;
  • acquire skills that young people become able to contribute to and work in a circular economy.

THREE C is offering a European course for committed teachers:

  • to design and deliver competence oriented learning on the circular economy and to combine their teaching content with it;
  • to collaborate with European colleagues and to exchange experiences;
  • to promote, assess and evidence the competence developments of students in:
    • Curricular and extracurricular activities and
    • (If applicable) in planned and guided internships.
  • coordinated by: Landkreis Kassel, Germany
  • Seven partners from seven countries (DE, FI, NL, ES, EE, BE, PT)
  • funded by the European Commission, ERASMUS+
  • Duration: 09/2014-08/2016