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La VITA è bella – European award


2nd European Award for innovative practice and initiatives on validating competences in informal and non-formal learning in Europe

We are looking for projects or initiatives that tackle the theme of competence based learning and validation or for ideas on how to cope with it in future. The PROVIDE team invites representatives of innovative projects and activities in all educational fields to submit their projects. These shall promote the development of social, personal and organisational competences in an innovative way and include practical cases or at least ideas on how learning outcomes and competence developments within this specific competence area can be assessed and evidenced also beyond the walls of formal education.

The VITA-prize is an award given to the most innovative and promising European initiatives and projects that

  • work in an innovative and novel fashion;
  • focus on integrating competence oriented learning in their learning contexts;
  • target also social, personal and organisational competences;
  • reflect on/consider ways of measuring and documenting learner’s development in relation to these competences;
  • promote understanding and awareness for the validation of informal and non-formal learning and highlight its value either for the individual (whose competences were validated) or
  • for the organisation (who validates competences).

What can you win?
The winners will be invited to present their project at the conference which will be held on September 17th and 18th in Mechelen, Belgium, with an international audience.
The prize includes travel, accommodation and subsistence for a 2-day trip to Mechelen.

How to participate?
Click here to find all details to submit your project.

Logo Venus risingWe are looking forward to your contributions and wish you the best of luck!

Your PROVIDE-project team

PROVIDE website