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E-MARIA – Training offers

The E-MARIA team proudly presents the two training handbooks that have been developed and piloted in the previous months:

  1. Training manual for professionals: Risk assessement & Management
  2. Traiing for trainers providing training for survivors: Empowerment & Autonomy

The main aims of the training course for professionals are:

  • To deepen the knowledge on domestic violence;
  • To understand the risk dynamics and the process of risk identification, assessment and management;
  • To promote the collaboration among stakeholders involved in the support and safety planning process, as well as to develop formal and informal networks;
  • To contribute to survivor’s recovery and consequently their empowerment and autonomy, and to prevent further victimization.

The training programme is designed for training to sensitise relevant professional groups. It includes fundamental information on the issue of intimate partner violence against women which is relevant for all vocational groups as well as more detailed information for professionals who actually deal with IPV. Special importance is given to risk assessment, i.e. the formal application of instruments to assess the likelihood that intimate partner violence will be repeated and will escalate, and risk management, in order to prevent further acts of violence, including murder.

The training contents are as follows:

Übersicht Module en

The training manual for trainers aims to support survivors’ empowerment, autonomy and their recovery process.

The training intends to contribute to:

  • raising awareness of women human rights, gender issues, domestic violence and its impact;
  • raising awareness of protection mechanisms at European and national levels;
  • understanding how violence affects children and how women can deal with them;
  • promoting the development of personal, social and professionals skills;
  • promoting active citizenship;
  • preventing further violence through education and awareness raising.

This training is specially designed for organizations, entities and professionals working with women survivors of violence. It is directed to trainers and professionals (with specific skills) who will implement the training.

The training contents are as follows:

10 Module enThe learning modules of both training offers are available on a CD. A short introduction to both offers is available also on paper.

Please contact one of the partner organisations to get your copy.


E-MARIA LOGOE-MARIA – European Manual for Risk Assessment in the Field of Domestic Violence


Developing innovative approaches to and instruments for risk assessment in order to increase the prediction of re-assault and to promote the safety and security of victims of domestic violence

In the two-year project the main activities are:

  • Conducting a comprehensive needs analysis to gather information on existing risk assessment tools, legal aspects related to risk assessment, safety planning, legal implications, and available training for women survivors.
  • Developing a European Manual on Risk Assessment composed by several sections, such as guidelines and tools for implementing risk assessment, safety plans, good practice examples, available resources, legal and criminal systems;
  • Developing training modules for professionals;
  • Developing training modules for women survivors to promote their recovery, empowerment and autonomy.
  • Four partner institutions from four European countries
  • Project coordination: AMCV, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Funded by the EU Criminal Justice Programme
  • Duration:  06/11 – 05/13

Further information: