Project Development, Qualification and IT-supported learning
Q21 is a project development and management agency with long-term experience in various European funding programmes. Q21 provides qualification, teaching and learning solutions in innovative thematic and methodological areas. We work at the intersection of formal, non-formal and informal education and in vocational, adult, higher education and school education. We have a large network of collaboration partners all over Europe working in EU educational projects, in participatory regional development and capacity building (LIFE and INTERREG funded).

Through our expertise in education, sustainability digitalisation and innovation management, we can offer our services in various R&D contexts and domains. We are specialised in International projects that require an “agile” and interdisciplinary development and management.

Q21 has developed web-based learning systems since the early times of learning management systems and we are specialised in full services for IT based learning solutions for educational providers.

Q21 is a specialist agency for the development, management and IT support for European projects. Our team has a long record of successfully completed projects in the framework of Socrates, LLP, ERASMUS+ progarmmes, and also in connection with capacity building projects and regional development (funded by LIFE and INTERREG progammes).